« Trois fois, j’ai supplié le Seigneur de me l’enlever. Mais il m’a dit : Ma grâce te suffit, car ma puissance s’accomplit dans la faiblesse. C’est pourquoi je me vanterai d’autant plus volontiers de mes faiblesses, afin que la puissance du Christ repose sur moi. – 2 Corinthiens 12 : 8-9 Le don de grâce qui […] Read More
Olivet Assembly gladly accepts all donations made with a cheerful heart. Your donation can be directed to the Nehemiah Project Building Fund, Church Planting, or Missionary Support. Thank you for the joyful heart in which you give to build the Kingdom of God. Read More
The necessity for connections between art and religion has never been more viable than in our present time. More than simply illustrating Christian themes, art and design plays a much bigger role in the lives of faith, worship, and cultural renewal.
Finances play a crucial role to the success of every organization. Constant funding is required to fuel any effort to bear fruit. Despite the abundance of funds in today’s society, it is rarely used for good purposes.
Marriage is a very special creation of God. As Genesis teaches, men and women were created in God's image, to be joined together in marriage as two becoming one flesh.
In response to the recognition that good theological education is imperative in any ministry, the Education Ministry has the responsibility to publish and supply Biblical resources to churches and parachurch organizations around the world.
The Healing Ministry of the Olivet Assembly (OA) seeks to advance the understanding of healing and to develop healing ministries in and beyond the Christian community. Healing is a necessity for man to be restored to the original image that God created them in.
Natural disasters and impoverished circumstances make daily life an unbearable activity for millions of people. The World Olivet Assembly Humanitarian Ministry works to bring comfort and encouragement
The IT Ministry of the Olivet Assembly (OA) is established to use these tools to fulfill the Great Commission Christ has given to His disciples.
Inspired by hope for a better, harmonious world, the OA Justice Ministry was established to be an important advocate for ensuring freedom of religion and belief as fundamental rights guaranteed to everyone, including Christians.
The Media Ministry of the Olivet Assembly desires to see today's media utilized to touch and influence the lives of people around the world. Through the ministry, we help Christ-centered and media-minded individuals to be more effective as Bible-believing communicators in the workplace, on the Web, and wherever we are.
The OA Music ministry is comprised of a globally diverse and eclectic body of musicians, dancers, actors, and members purposed to glorify God through the sacrifices of praise and worship.
With millions suffering daily from preventable ailments, medical healing is one of the most urgent needs today. Through training and collaboration, the Medial Ministry of the Olivet Assembly seeks promote good health and better access to healthcare in communities around the globe.
OA Teen Ministry purposes to develop a remnant of teens that can spread the gospel among their peers in all environments and settings where other missions may not be effective.
The OA Youth Ministry provides the younger generation, as well as those who wish to serve them, with scriptural studies, discipleship training, and opportunities for evangelism and service.
The OA Adult Ministry understands the important for the older generations to experience fellowship, study the Bible, and experience God closely. Such an active engaging faith is necessary in a world of dry religion and monotonous worldly perspectives.

Institut de leadership Olivet

Olivet Leadership Institute est une organisation éducative d’Olivet Assembly qui se concentre sur la formation des futurs dirigeants des ministères chrétiens. L’institut de leadership a été officiellement lancé en janvier 2013 dans le but de former de bons dirigeants chrétiens de manière plus systématique.


“Allez par tout le monde, et prêchez la bonne nouvelle à toute la création.”

– Marc 16:15